18 Sep

jQuery 1.3 With PHP: cover mockup


I’ve been sent a mockup for the book’s cover. The suggested title of the book is “jQuery 1.3 with PHP”. The working title was “PHP and jQuery”. Which do you prefer?

The book has been completed, in that all the chapters are written, and it’s in the final edit phase at the moment. This involves Packt having a technical editor try everything in the book just to iron out any kinks. It’s already been gone over by three other reviewers, and the only problem appears to have been with the File Management chapter, where the web-server was IIS on Windows. That should be solved by the time the book comes out.

I’ve learned a lot while writing this book. A major point that keeps raising its head is that I keep using colloquialisms and aphorisms (ha! “raising its head”), and those are not globally understood. Another is that I keep using British spelling, but it’s expected that most readers will be American.

From a coding point of view, I tend to write compact code with comments only appearing where something is obviously confusing, but I’ve tried to put proper comments in the book whenever any reviewer asked a question about the code.

Anyway – I expect it will be in PDF form in only a few weeks! I’m looking forward to hearing what people think of it.

On a funny note, I was working on something in work recently, and was trying to figure the best way to do it, when I suddenly remembered I’d written a whole chapter on it, so went and read what I’d written! I’ll be keeping a copy of the book on my own shelf 😉

This kind of thing is always happening to me – I would need to solve some problem (hooking an OKI B2200 printer to Linux over Samba, for example), go searching for the answer, and find that I’d written the solution for it a year or two previously…

By the way, KFM 1.4 will be released next week. It will be the last 1.x version. We (Benjamin and myself) are starting a total rewrite after that, which will become KFM 2. It’s going to be massive!

EDIT: 2009-09-18 Wow, that was quick! The book is already available to pre-book

02 Aug

jquery remoteselectoptions plugin

Based on some work I did for chapter 3 of jQuery 1.3 with PHP, I’ve created a plugin to encapsulate the remote selectbox trick.

The idea of this is that in a lot of cases, there may be huge select boxes in your forms, but the selected value might not ever need to change. For example, if you have a country list, and you’re pretty sure that the user is in Ireland, then it might be pointless to have a full list of countries in there if it’s unlikely to be changed.


Notice that when you click the select box, it’s populated with countries. However, the source of the page does not include those countries in the HTML. So how does it do it?

How it does it is to add a focus event to the selectbox, which populates it only when it’s actually about to be changed. In this case, the missing options are in a file named countries.html which is 9k in size. So, by using this trick, we’ve saved 9k in bandwidth. Multiply that by the amount of large selectboxes in your forms, and it could be considerable.

Look at the source of that page:

		<script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.3.2/jquery.min.js"></script>
		<script src="jquery.remoteselectoptions.min.js"></script>
		<em>select a country</em>

		<select name="countries"><option value="IRL">Ireland</option></select>

All that’s needed is to include a single option in there to indicate the default, then run .remoteselectoptions() on the selectbox, telling it what url it should grab the options from.

In case you need to do some checking on the server-side based on the current selected item, the script calls the option source with a selected GET parameter set to the current selected option’s value. You might set the url to a PHP script for example, which would build up the option list based on that selected item.

Download the source here (4.5k)

Rate it here.

23 Jul

jQuery: nested sortables

As I said in my last post, I was pretty sure that the code in my last chapter was correct and that the problem was with jQuery’s Sortable itself.

I spent the last few hours studying the Sortable code and think I’ve fixed it.

Here’s the example from last post showing the problem, and here’s the corrected version.

If you want to patch your own copy of Sortable, here’s my patch file.

I think there’s actually a moral here – if you want to make sure that something is fixed, then you should knuckle down and do it yourself, as the jQuery developers really do have better things to be doing.

Buy the book! jQuery 1.3 with PHP

22 Jul

jQuery 1.3 With PHP: chp8, drag/drop

For chapter 8 of jQuery 1.3 with PHP, I wrote about drag and drop. jQuery has a few different ways to do drag and drop. The most fundamental way is to use the Draggable and Droppable interfaces, but as it happens, most of the things you might want to do with a CMS can be done just with the Sortable interface.

The examples I wrote for this chapter are:

  • Sorting a list and saving the result. demo, download
  • Sorting a tree-based list (navigation menu, for example) and saving the result. demo, download
  • Dragging items from a list of contacts into a list of people to send emails to. demo, download

The second one worried me for a while, as it kept behaving erratically on me – I would sometimes drag an item and it would simply vanish. It turns out that it’s a bug in jQuery UI’s Sortable that should be fixed by the time the book is out, so it will work better then. I’m not worried about its behaviour right now as I’m certain this will be fixed.

I only used Sortable in this chapter, as I was trying to think of a case where Sortable couldn’t be used, and the only cases I thought of were a bit too advanced for the book – the book’s supposed to be for PHP developers that are not absolutely rock solid in JavaScript and those examples might be a bit daunting. Maybe if there’s a second edition I might expand on it with more advanced examples.

An advanced example might including dragging a shopping item into a basket. You could not use Sortable with that because usually, what you are dragging is a full description of something, and when you drop it into the basket, you want it to change to a compact description. Coding is involved there, and that’s when it gets bogged down. Writing about that sort of complex case would mean diving into JavaScript and away from the core subject of the book, which is the interaction of PHP and jQuery.

update: I fixed Sortable. Here’s an example of nested sortables using the corrected code: demo.

18 Jul

jQuery 1.3 With PHP: chp7, image manipulation

I’ve submitted chapter 7 of jQuery 1.3 with PHP to Packt, which involves image manipulation. The editor I build in that chapter allows you to non-destructively manipulate an image in the most commonly needed ways – resize, rotate and crop.

The idea is that when you upload an image, it’s usually not yet right to include in a website. People tend to upload massive photos (3000×2000 or so) and resize it down using the <img> attributes, which is the wrong way to do it (see here for a solution to that particular problem).

However, once you’ve resized an image down, you can’t change it back.

The solution is to make copies of the image with your manipulations applied to them. That lets you make multiple versions of the same image.

But again, there’s the problem that if you change your mind about the original image, you can replace that, but the others all need to be redone.

Yet another problem is that unless you’ve kept records, there’s no link from the new images back to the original, so if you need to make space on the server by removing files that might not be in use anymore, you can’t be certain what thumbnails are still relevant and what are not.

The solution is to not actually create copies, but to record the changes applied to the original image in the URL of your manipulated image. When the server is asked for those URLs, it runs the manipulations on the original image and gives you back the new image. Of course, we will cache the new manipulations so this doesn’t need to be done every time, but this now allows you to replace the original image, then clear the cache, forcing all the variants of it to refresh, without you needing to do it again.

What this means, is that when the manipulation is recorded in the URL, no new copy is actually created until some browser actually requests it. This means that you can periodically clear your old thumbnails, safe in the knowledge that if they were still relevant, they will be recreated from the archived originals automatically the next time they’re needed.

Enough talk.


This is, as usual, just a demo. It’s not designed to be impressive, but just to show how to do manipulations.

A permanent URL is provided, in the same manner as google maps – it updates itself as you manipulate it. To see the actual cropped, resized and rotated image, try opening that permanent URL in a different tab.

The GUI here is a means to an end (the permanent URL). In your own CMS, you might force a certain width/height for uploaded images automatically using the URL for example.

The example image I manipulated in the chapter is the IMG_0134.JPG in chp7. Try rotating, resizing, and cropping (drag your mouse on the image).


Little thing to note about that URL – there’s no query indicator. Standards-compliant browsers treat the ‘?’ mark in a URL as an indication that the result should never be cached, but that would be pretty expensive for the server, so we remove that. The get.php file rebuilds the query from the $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] and sends out the manipulated image with caching headers.

The graphics manipulation was done using Imagick, which is a PECL extension that allows PHP to run ImageMagick functions internally.

In Fedora, you can install Imagick with yum install php-pecl-imagick. In CentOS, follow these instructions.

CentOS users might have a problem with the latest Imagick (2.2.2), so change the pecl install imagick line to pecl install imagick-2.2.1.

download the demo

Make sure to edit the images_libs.php file to point to your own image repositories. The images don’t need to be in a web-accessible directory.

I’ve a bit of work to do now, and then I’ll be applying the tricks in this chapter to our own CMS, WebME.

10 Jul

Mastering phpMyAdmin 3.1

Last year, I reviewed Mastering phpMyAdmin 2.11 for Packt, and said it was overall a comprehensive book, but with a few points that I would change.

I was sent a copy of Mastering phpMyAdmin 3.1 a few weeks ago and after reading it, I can see that most of the points I mentioned have been addressed, and I know from other sources that the points that were not changed have good reasons for them (screenshots and we/our speech are very good for people that are not familiar with the subject).

There are many reviews of this book already, so I will mostly describe how this edition is different from the previous one. In short, though, I would say that this version is much more readable, and is still the best book to buy if you want a book on phpMyAdmin. The reviews I’ve read here all agree with my own assessment that phpMyAdmin is a surprise – right when you think you know what it does, a book points out a load of stuff you didn’t know it did.

Things that are improved

I suggested last year that the 5 page date-by-date history of phpMyAdmin’s delivery be moved from the front of the book to an appendix. At the time, the book didn’t have an appendix. The new edition has two appendices – the first one is for the history, as suggested, and the second contains the old book’s chapter 20 on Troubleshooting. The short history of MySQL at the beginning of the MySQL 5.0 chapter has also been removed – it had no purpose.

A few of the unnecessary screenshots have been removed. I understand the need for screenshots, as they sometimes describe better than mere text what the author means when he says something, but my complaint from last year was that screenshots that were simply not necessary had been put in apparently just to take up space. This has been improved this year, with many of the redundant images removed.

SQL code screenshots have been replaced with just the text of the SQL. This makes the examples much easier to read.

Language issues, such as switching collations, had originally been a full chapter, but is now spread out in the book, where appropriate. This is good, as when exporting a backup (for example), you don’t want to have an important part of the explanation, collation, hidden away at the back of the book.

A lot of the “since 2.6.1”, “since 2.6.0” wording has been removed. This is good, as the reader of the book is obviously using version 3.1 or higher. The author does sometimes mention the version number when adding new text, and I think that’s unnecessary – the reader really should not need to know what version of phpMyAdmin a new feature was introduced in. If you really want, add another appendix listing dates of improvements, but it’s really not needed; that’s what changelogs are for.

phpMyAdmin itself has a number of new minor features that are detailed in the new book. For example, exports (SQL dumps) can be done to Texy! text format, the search wizard has been improved to allow searches for empty/non-empty fields. Support for the PBXT storage engine is added, public query bookmarks, the default browse view’s query can be customised

There are a number of major features which also make their debut here. New features include database partitioning, scheduled events, streamable blobs (for videos, etc). I’m looking forward to making use of streaming blobs!

Things that are not improved

The table of contents is even longer. At 13 pages (versus 12 last year), I still feel it’s too large. My comment last year was that maybe just the higher level headers should be shown, with more detailed contents at the beginning of each chapter. As an example, under the user management section, there is a header for adding a user. That should be enough. Instead, we then have headers describing the username, the password, the hostname, etc. That sort of thing makes the front of the book very heavy. I feel that most readers when opening the book for the first time wonder to themselves when will the contents end and the content begin.

Most of the screenshots have been redone, but in some cases, shots which were perfectly sized in the old book have been exploded up to larger images in the new one, making them huge relative to the content they portray. For example, on page 78, the top screenshot has a total of about four lines of text in it, but takes up almost two inches of page space (and is pixelated), compared to the original on page 75 of the old book at only one inch. I can see this in a lot of cases in the new book (another is the 3 inch bottom image on 132 vs the perfectly legible 2 inch one in the old book’s page 128) and wonder if that helped to add to the number of pages. The new book has 326 pages versus the old book’s 318. On the good side, in some cases, the new screenshots reduced the size of the old ones.

I didn’t mention it last year, but remember puzzling over it at the time. The last part of the Troubleshooting appendix (chapter 20 back then) discusses future enhancements to phpMyAdmin, but the goals are very vague. “improved support of mysql”, “internal code improvements”; these should not be considered goals – they should be considered givens! Besides which, it’s not productive to discuss future events that may or may not happen. They’re not available yet, so shouldn’t be written about in a manual which is about /existing/ work.


I noted a number of improvements, and a number of failures. The improvements outnumber the failures. Each edition of this book gets better and better.

If you are new to phpMyAdmin and are looking for a book, I really do recommend buying this.

bootnote: I have my own Packt book coming out in a few months. I hope that reviewers of that book (PHP And jQuery) will be as critical as I try to be in my own reviews – I feel that criticism is good, and can only help to improve future editions. This year’s edition of Mastering phpMyAdmin is better than last year’s, and I feel that it is because the author was receptive to criticism and improved his book based on it. I hope I can be just as receptive when my own time comes!

29 Jun

jQuery 1.3 With PHP: Calendars

I was supposed to write about Datatables for chapter 6 of jQuery 1.3 with PHP, but the website of the plugin I was going to use (http://www.datatables.net/) was down for about a week, and so I wrote about Calendars instead.

I used Red3‘s jquery-week-calendar plugin for a recent project in work, and was so impressed I really had to write about it.

In chapter 6 of the book, I’ll walk through how to build a simple calendar, including creation and editing of events, and including once-off and recurring events.


The demo is a session-based calendar, which records only for the duration of your browser session. It’s for demo purposes only, obviously. If you want to use it in a larger project, you would need to adapt the PHP so that it records to a database or files or something.


Here’s an image of it in use:


Only four or so chapters left and then I’m done with the hard part. After that, is rewrites, then you can all throw your money at me.

21 May

jQuery 1.3 With PHP: tiny file manager

For chapter 5 of my book, jQuery 1.3 with PHP, I wrote a small file manager. It doubles up as a file selector.


You would use this in an admin area where it is necessary to select files or directories, and you’d also like to create/rename/move those things around.


Try a few things on it – change the selection in the two select-boxes, move a few things around, etc. I think it’s useful and nicely compact.

You can download it here along with the examples that lead up to the finished thing. You will also need a copy of jQuery and uploadify.

To install, just link to your copies of the above libraries, correct the $base variable in the .php file, and in the .js file, change ../jquery.uploadify-v1.6.2/ (in the fm_uploadFileSetup function) to wherever you installed it.

$base should point somewhere outside of the web root, as the file manager does not discriminate between innocent files such as test.txt and potentially harmful files such as hackme.php. A downloader is included which allows any files uploaded through this to also be downloaded through it.

28 Mar

jQuery 1.3 With PHP: quick tricks

As mentioned before, I’m writing a book for Packt Publishing called jQuery 1.3 with PHP.

I think I’m just about done with the first chapter I’ll be submitting, tentatively entitled Quick Tricks.

The book will include full explanations of how they work, but here are the examples.

In the last two examples, the demo is designed to show what happens in a failed save or delete as well as in a successful one.

Source is, of course, available.