13 Jun

Simple geo-ip based links

simple geoip based links, for when you need to link to different files depending on the client’s country. requires PHP, jQuery.

in the head of the document, have this:

<script>window.geoip_data='<?php echo file_get_contents('http://freegeoip.net/json/'.$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']); ?>'</script>

for the HTML links, write the default link target into the HTML, with alternatives written in for each country. here’s an example for the UK and Ireland:

<a href="/link.html" class="geo" data-link-UK="/link-uk.html" data-link-IE="ie.html">click here</a>

now in the JavaScript, process all .geo links:

$(function() {
    var country=geoip_data.country_code.substring(0,1)
  $('a.geo').each(function() { 
    var $this=$(this), dataName='link'+country;
    if ($this.data(dataName)) { 
      $this.attr('href', $this.data(dataName));


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