26 Jul


I am not impressed.

HTML 5 draft spec

While there are some handy new elements such as nav (for navigation menus), video and canvas, it also includes some elements which have no contextual meaning at all, and have been deprecated since HTML 4.

Remember how much effort standards evangelists put into the removal of <b> and <i>? Well… they’re back. i, b.

What’s doubly confusing about this is that there is no clear contextual difference between the new definitions of <i> and <b>, and the new element m.

<m> is defined as a span which is “highlighted”. That is not a job for HTML. It is a CSS issue! This can already be handled through <span class="highlight">code such as this</span>.

And where are the handy new form elements? I had been looking forward to at least a <date> input type, so I would not need to always provide a JavaScript calendar or a set of three select-boxes to handle day/month/year. No – nowhere to be seen.

Not impressed.